CIE Resources
The CIE provides numerous online resources to support inclusive and anti-racist practices in teaching, communication and student services. The CIE’s weekly newsletter, in addition to providing information on CIE programming, also amplifies other professional development across campus as well as diversity-related events, announcements and resources.
- Bringing Anti-Racism and Allyship into the Classroom and Bringing Anti-Racism and Allyship into Your Practice: Self-paced online courses
- Anti-racism is the “active process of identifying and eliminating racism by changing systems, organizational structures, policies and practices and attitudes, so that power is redistributed and shared equitably” (from the National Action Committee on the Status of Women International Perspectives: Women and Global Solidarity). Building on the resources in a toolkit created at Wheaton College, these CIE self-paced courses guide faculty and staff through the steps necessary to build a more anti-racist institution. Note that Bringing Anti-Racism and Allyship into the Classroom focuses more specifically on instructional roles while Bringing Anti-Racism and Allyship into Your Practice is more general and applies to any role.
- What does it mean to be an anti-racist ally?
- Resources to provide a starting point for those who want to take action to be more effective allies.
- Anti-racism and Allyship in the Classroom: Discipline-specific resource list
- Suggestions and resources for instructors looking to advance racial and social justice across the curriculum, with a focus on discipline-specific applications and examples.
- Allyship for the African American Community (June 2020)
- There are many specific actions you can take as an individual to strengthen your allyship and demonstrate your commitment to support our Black students, colleagues and community.
- Teaching and Supporting Black Students: Advancing Student Needs in Times of Racial Crisis
- This online teach-in was held on Thursday, June 4, 2020.
- Antisemitism Crisis in our Community : What it is, What to do (recording)
- This online teach-in was held Tuesday, August 17, 2021. (PDF of slides)
- Managing Challenging Conversations
- Suggestions and resources to help manage challenging moments and be a more effective upstander when microaggressions happen.
- When Tragedy Strikes
- Suggestions and resources for supporting our students, colleagues and classmates when there are incidents that target specific communities.
- Inclusive Language
- How we communicate can both reflect and perpetuate implicit biases so for many people, ensuring that we are using inclusive language can require a conscious effort to reflect on the implications of our word choice and to develop new habits. The resources on this page are intended to provide some guidance for that work.
- Facilitator Guide for Diversity Conversations
- As SDSU strives to truly embrace “equity and inclusion in everything we do”, many more faculty and staff are engaging in conversations around justice, equity, diversity and inclusion. While these conversations are important and necessary to ensure meaningful action, they also can be challenging and fraught with the potential for misunderstandings. This guide is intended to help those who may be leading these conversations to facilitate open and honest exchange while maintaining collegial and inclusive interactions.
- Filtering Email
- Faculty and staff often receive unwanted emails from colleagues. Although free speech protections limit San Diego State University’s ability to stop such messages, you are certainly not obligated to read or respond to them. We have collected several options if you would like to filter your unwanted, non-University-business email.
- Supporting Student Whole Health
- This presentation reviews campus resources and how you can help students struggling with their mental and emotional health, well-being, basic needs insecurities and other crisis situations (title link goes to recording; the slides are also available)
- Teaching and Supporting the Whole Student (video series)
- An important aspect of equity-minded teaching and student support is understanding what is happening in students’ lives, as well as knowing about resources to which you may be able to refer students for help with a range of issues.
- Resources for Student Support - Personal and Academic (Canvas resource pages)
- These pages compile links with brief descriptions of campus resources.
- Inclusive Pedagogy
- An inclusive classroom is one where ALL students feel welcome, safe to participate, and supported in their learning. This resource page provides links to multiple sources for strategies to create such an environment.
- Diversity and Inclusion Syllabus Statements
- Your syllabus is often the first introduction students have to you and your course and is an opportunity to set a positive tone for everything that follows. Including a diversity and inclusion statement can be an important signal of your commitment to supporting ALL of your students.
- Foundations of Effective and Inclusive Course Design: Online course, 8-10 hours to complete
- In this self-paced course, participants will learn about evidence-based and inclusive teaching practices and will develop learner-centered course learning outcomes, assessments and activities for multiple modalities. This is a good option for those who need ultimate flexibility and/or do not feel able to commit to anything time-bound this summer.
- Closing Equity Gaps in Student Success
- This page provides a step-by-step process for individual faculty or department teams who are looking for evidence-based strategies.
- Identifying and Responding to Bias in Teaching Evaluations (recording), Fri March 26
- Students' evaluations of faculty teaching have long been used as a strategy to assess teaching effectiveness in college and university courses. However, recent calls for more equitable practices in retention, tenure, and promotion processes and studies concluding that women and faculty of color experience negative bias in student evaluations have led some to question their validity and utility. This workshop discusses how bias manifests in student evaluations and propose strategies for mitigating it.
- Resources for Student Support (Canvas resource page)
- One way that instructors can support students is by providing information on campus resources. The page linked here can be imported directly into any of your own Canvas courses.
- Resources for colleagues experiencing emotional, relational, behavioral or mental health concerns
- The pandemic has highlighted the need for all of us to practice self-care and seek out help when we need it.
- Working and Teaching Remotely
- Working and Teaching Remotely was an online program where members of the San Diego State Community could come together and get practical advice/suggestions on how to deal with the new environment we are all experiencing.
- Getting to Know IV
- A college of SDSU, SDSU-IV has a rich history of serving southeastern California as a source of quality education and research. This is a recording of the Oct 27, 2021 webinar with Professors Elizabeth Cordero and David Kanaan that introduces the SDSU-IV community, the connections between SDSU-IV and the main campus of SDSU, areas for potential growth, and the important role that SDSU-IV plays in the mission of SDSU overall.
JEDI Toolkit
The Center for Inclusive Excellence serves as a campus hub for information and professional learning about justice, equity, diversity and inclusion (JEDI), promoting and facilitating connections throughout the University community. We assist the community to:
- Understand and reflect on identity, bias, privilege, institutional oppression and other JEDI concepts;
- Learn about the lived experience of individuals from a range of diverse communities;
- Develop and deepen cultural humility, applying an equity-minded, inclusive and anti-oppression approach to all aspects of personal and professional learning, work, interactions with others;
- Acquire, practice and innovate strategies for inclusive communication, addressing microaggressions, equitable education and work practices, and dismantling systems of oppression and entitlement;
- Integrate anti-oppression, allyship and social justice into teaching and learning, research, scholarship and service;
- Support and elevate scholarly work that contributes to diversity and equity in higher education and promotes; understanding of underrepresented communities;
- Support and elevate students, staff and faculty from underrepresented communities.
- We strive toward these goals by offering a wide range of professional learning and development activities. This work is guided by a framework to an external site. that recognizes that in order to become equitable and inclusive practitioners, individuals must not only develop JEDI knowledge and skills but must develop self-awareness, empathy and an authentic commitment to the institution’s JEDI values, and that this is a continuous, on-going journey. To that end, this toolkit provides guidance and links to resources to support your own learning and reflection, wherever you are along this journey. It is a companion to the Faculty and Staff Resource Guide, which provides information on the many campus offices, programs and departments that provide services to students, staff and faculty.
We encourage you to add this course to your Canvas dashboard for easy future access. It is also linked from the CIE's homepage.
Self-paced Courses
Creating an Equity-Minded Campus Community (register in CSULearn)
At San Diego State, social justice and a sense of belonging for all members of our community are important institutional values, and we strive to integrate equity and inclusion in everything we do. Creating this kind of community requires a shared understanding among all faculty and staff of foundational vocabulary and concepts such as implicit bias, microaggressions, equity-mindedness and inclusive communication. This foundational course introduces these concepts to faculty and staff to support more informed conversations about inequities and social justice issues across the campus. It serves as a prerequisite for a number of other programs and is offered as an online self-paced workshop on Canvas. If you go straight through the content, it should take about 2-2.5 hours (120-180 min) to complete the 5 modules.
*** This is an updated version of the course previously called Equity, Implicit Bias and Microaggressions. That course is now closed. Anyone who completed that course should see that completion recorded in CSULearn.
Creating an Equity-Minded Campus Community - For Students
At San Diego State, social justice and a sense of belonging for all members of our community are important institutional values, and we strive to integrate equity and inclusion in everything we do. Creating this kind of community requires a shared understanding among all students, faculty, and staff of foundational vocabulary and concepts such as implicit bias, microaggressions, equity-mindedness and inclusive communication.
Previously this foundational course was offered only to faculty and staff, and based on your feedback, we now have the student-facing version to share with your students! We hope this will provide the opportunity to support more informed conversations about inequities and social justice issues on your teams and across the campus. A straight run through of the content should take about 2-2.5 hours (120-180 min) to complete the 4 modules. Students can self-enroll.
Equity-Minded Staff Hiring Workshop (register in CSULearn)
In this self-paced workshop for staff, search committee chairs and hiring managers, participants will learn about equity-minded hiring practices for staff recruitment. The course covers how to define “merit” and “fit” from an equity-minded perspective, how to write a job announcement, how to conduct outreach, how to screen and interview candidates, all with equity-minded strategies. Prior to registering, participants should complete the CIE's foundational implicit bias course, Creating an Equity-Minded Campus Community.
Equity-Minded Faculty Hiring Workshop (register in CSULearn
[NOTE: A few synchronous sessions will also be offered on Zoom each fall]
In this workshop, participants will have the opportunity to learn about equity-minded hiring practices for faculty positions. The course will cover how to define “merit” and “fit” from an equity-minded perspective, how to write a job announcement, how to screen and interview candidates, how to organize a campus visit, and how to conclude the search process. The focus is on concrete tools and examples and participants will have the opportunity to tailor these tools to searches in their department/unit. Prior to signing-up for this seminar, participants should complete the CIE's foundational implicit bias course (either Creating an Equity-Minded Campus Community, or the older Equity, Implicit Bias and Microaggressions). This workshop is for faculty.
Diversity Equity And Inclusion In Faculty Searches (register in CSULearn)
This module has the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) in Faculty Searches video. This video provides a reminder of best practices for equity-minded and inclusive faculty recruitment, as well as a quick run-through of the policies that have been implemented to help support those best practices. This is updated each year, and must be viewed each year, as a supplement to the full-length implicit bias training that must be completed at least once every three years. All members of faculty search committees should view the video as early in the process as possible, EACH TIME they participate in a search.
*Upon registration, you will receive an email with a link to the module which you can then complete at your own pace.
Equity-Minded Faculty Support (register in CSULearn)
In this 60-minute workshop, participants will have the opportunity to learn about equity-minded support practices for new faculty hires. The session will cover transition, socialization, and retention considerations from an equity-minded perspective. The session is set up as an interactive reflection focusing on how you might engage in support practices with new hires based on your own experiences in your department. This seminar is for faculty who have served on a previous search committee, completed a search, and would like to support the new faculty hire. Prior to signing-up for this seminar, participants should complete the Creating an Equity-Minded Campus Community online workshop and have completed the Equity-Minded Faculty Hiring workshop (see asynchronous option above). Facilitated by Dr. Lacie Barber, Psychology.
Foundations of Effective and Inclusive Course Design
In this self-paced course, participants will learn about evidence-based and inclusive teaching practices and will develop learner-centered course learning outcomes, assessments and activities for multiple modalities. This is a good option for those who need ultimate flexibility and/or do not feel able to commit to anything time-bound. 8-10 hours to complete.
Bringing Anti-Racism and Allyship into the Classroom and Bringing Anti-Racism and Allyship into Your Practice
Anti-racism is the “active process of identifying and eliminating racism by changing systems, organizational structures, policies and practices and attitudes, so that power is redistributed and shared equitably” (from the National Action Committee on the Status of Women International Perspectives: Women and Global Solidarity). Building on the resources in a toolkit created at Wheaton College, these CIE self-paced courses guide faculty and staff through the steps necessary to build a more anti-racist institution. Note that Bringing Anti-Racism and Allyship into the Classroom focuses more specifically on instructional roles while Bringing Anti-Racism and Allyship into Your Practice is more general and applies to any role.
Contact Us
Center of Inclusive Excellence
PSFA 100
5500 Campanile Drive
San Diego, CA 92182-7444