Identity & Allyship Awareness Badge (IAAB) Micro-Credential

The Identity & Allyship Awareness Badge (IAAB) Program (previously called the Identity & Allyship Awareness Certificate program) is a year-long, foundational social justice consciousness program facilitated through the Center for Inclusive Excellence in partnership with One SDSU. There will also be opportunities to connect with the Cultural Centers on campus. Students learn about the foundations of inclusion such as implicit bias, microaggressions, identity, privilege, and inclusive communication. Then, throughout the year, participate in a variety of learning formats to critically examine one's own beliefs regarding their personal identities and privileges while understanding how they can play a role in active, lifelong allyship and humility.

Student Testimonials

"The number of things I’ve learned in previously-named IAAC really is amazing, there are so many things I don’t know if I would’ve learned or even been aware of had I not done this certification program. I think in school or even in our personal lives, identities, bias, how to deal with microaggressions, those aren’t things that are frequently talked about. IAAC has really helped remind me that my experiences and my view on the world and what goes on are largely impacted by the life I’ve lived thus far, the culture I grew up in, the people I surround myself with, etc. I see things the way I do because of my identities. But, my identity isn’t the only identity that exists. I truly think that the IAAC certification better prepared me to do that, in a way that my other classes likely couldn’t have."
- Jordyn, Spring 2021 IAAC graduate

Click here for more about the Identity & Allyship Awareness Badge (IAAB) Program

identity and allyship awareness badge

Contact Us

Center of Inclusive Excellence
PSFA 100
5500 Campanile Drive
San Diego, CA 92182-7444